domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010
jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
II Estudio IAB Spain sobre Mobile Marketing: Percepciones del usuario y estrategias del sector publicitario
Año 2010
Idioma Español
Páginas 59
Descargar aquí
(Descarga de Slideshare)Estudio que aborda por segundo año consecutivo el estado de situación del Mobile Marketing en España, tratando de contrastar la perspectiva del consumidor y del sector. En las agencias, la gestión del Mobile Marketing, estructuralmente, se está incorporando a los equipos de digital. Se reconoce una apuesta que, aunque pueda ser decidida, es aún limitada: los equipos son poco numerosos (se opta por la reconversión y la subcontratación) y en términos de volumen tienen un escaso peso dentro del total de facturación de la organización.
Los nuevos anunciantes que exploran el Mobile Marketing lo hacen directamente sobre los nuevos formatos (aplicaciones, sobre todo), sin pasar necesariamente por los de mayor “tradición” (SMS).
Las aplicaciones aparecen como el formato de moda, si bien se describe cierta “saturación” (lo que dificulta su comunicación) y un abuso de su utilización orientado a exclusiva a obtener publicity."
martes, 26 de octubre de 2010
Seven simple rules for a life in hiding
One, never trust a cop in a raincoat.
Two, beware of enthusiasm and of love, each is temporary and quick to sway.
Three, if asked if you care about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks, he will not ask you again.
Number four and five, never give your real name, and if ever told to look at yourself, never look.
Six, never say or do anything with the person standing in front of you cannot understand.
And seven, never create anything. It will be misinterpreted. it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life, and it will never change…
Showcase of TV Show Websites
Observing websites from particular industries can be a good learning experience, as you will tend to see a lot of trends and similarities from sites in the same industry. In this post we’ll showcase more than 30 websites from current TV shows.
As is the case with other types of media (such as movies and music) the websites of TV shows tend to be an important part of their marketing and branding. As you browse through the sites featured below you will notice some trends including:
- Large background images
- A lot of color
- Heavy use of video, including in prominent locations
- Advertisements for other shows on the same network
- Social media links or buttons
In most cases the networks use a common layout for their shows, simply changing the design, colors, and images of each. For that reason we have organized the showcase by network.
Discovery Channel:
For more design inspiration please see:
- 50 Inspirational E-Commerce Website Designs
- 50 of the Best Church Website Designs
- 25 of the Best Photographer Portfolio Websites
- 25 of the Best Photographer Portfolio Websites – Part II
- 40 of the Best Websites of Non-Profit Organizations
lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010
81 Amazing Desktop Wallpapers
Whether you like your wallpaper to show a nice girl, a great car, a nice landscape, a cute animal or anything else you can find them all here in this great pack of pictures.
There’s pictures that come in sizes ranging from 1280×1024 to 3000×2000.
You can have them all clicking the link at the bottom or you can just pick one from the gallery bellow
Follow @Garcya on twitter to stay updated with everything that’s new on WDB.
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Read the rest of 81 Amazing Desktop Wallpapers ( you won't regret it :-) )
Do you like what you see? Any help is welcome! It keeps me working and provide YOU with Free Vector Graphics. Thank you!
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